The weather in Ibiza in December
Ibiza in the winter month of December: A good time to visit?
Ibiza in December offers pleasant temperatures that move between an average minimum temperature of 12°C and an average maximum temperature of 18°C. Despite colder months in other regions, this island maintains with temperatures ideal for an outdoor getaway. The average sea water temperature remains around 16°C, making swimming still attractive to some. Throughout the month there are an average of 6 days of precipitation per month, but with a high number of sunshine hours, Ibiza remains the ideal month for vacation deals. In short, December in Ibiza is a wonderful month to enjoy the island without the crowds of the most popular summer months.
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Average temperature in December: minimum and maximum values in Ibiza
The temperature in December in Ibiza is between 12°C and 18°C. In general, Ibiza can expect days of rain in this month, although the amount varies with days when barely a drop of rain falls to days when a higher amount of rain can descend. In total, the amount of precipitation usually amounts to a few millimeters of rain during the month. In terms of wind, the island is also diverse; from days with cool winds to times when strong winds can plague Ibiza, especially around Ibiza town. It is always advisable to check the weather forecast for Ibiza before making travel plans so that you can get an idea of the rain risk and the likelihood of high winds during your visit.
Water temperature and wind: How does the sea feel at this time of year?
During December, the feeling of the sea in Ibiza changes somewhat. During this particular period, just after the fall holiday season, the water temperature may drop slightly, but it often remains pleasant enough for a day at the beach. Overall, this month is a great time for beach fun, especially for those who want to avoid the crowds of summer and are looking for a quieter time on the island’s most delightful beaches. Although the winds may be slightly stronger during this time, in most cases it is still a good time to enjoy the beautiful beaches. As always, there is a good time to visit the island, and longer periods in December offer the chance to really enjoy what Ibiza has to offer without the crowds.
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Amount of precipitation in the month of December: When does most precipitation fall?
December rainfall varies in Ibiza, with averages of around 60 mm for the month. There are days when as much as 10-15 mm of precipitation may fall, while other days remain dry. This means that although average precipitation in December is lower than in the wettest months, there can still be significant fluctuations. Despite Ibiza being known for its mild winters, there are days in December when the beach is a lot quieter because of this precipitation. On such days, it is advisable to wear a warm coat or multiple layers of clothing. Although temperatures rarely reach freezing, as in some other European regions, it can sometimes feel like you need some extra insulation, especially on the colder and wetter days of the month.
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The influence of weather on time spent outdoors in Ibiza
The weather undoubtedly affects the time you spend outside, especially in a destination like Ibiza. Compared to the darkest months of the Dutch winter, Ibiza offers a milder experience even in its late winter months. Throughout the year, the island offers a relatively mild climate, making it mild throughout the year and allowing people to enjoy more outdoor time. However, like any Mediterranean island, Ibiza also experiences cloudy weather. Scattered cloud cover may occasionally occur, with certain periods of the year where the probability of cloud cover is slightly higher. However, this rarely has a long-lasting effect and in most cases the clouds are short-lived, so visitors can still fully enjoy their time outdoors.
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